At a Glance…

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Catching Up with Will Bowes

MV5BMTAwMDk1NzQwODleQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDAwMDU3NzQx._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,665,1000_AL_Down through the years, one of my most favorite people to feature in At a Glance has been musician and actor Mr. Will BowesWill is one of those people who has been blessed with the creativity and talent of multiple mediums.  His IMDB credits reflect a range of television and film positions, and his love of music has reached from composer in those same fields, to his own solo recording career, as well as front man for the Toronto based band, Gold Complex.  All of that, and the fact that he’s just genuinely a nice guy, keeps me inspired to showcase his work.  (Read more…)